Updated Instructions for Viewing Rasmol Lectures

Downloading and Installing -- Configuring Your Browser -- Manipulating 3D Structures

Downloading and Installing RasMol 2.7

Rasmol is available for download for both Windows & Macs. The Windows version of Rasmol can be found here.
The Mac version of the program is called RasMac and can be downloand from here

An online instruction manual for Rasmol is available here.

Configuring Netscape for RasMol Scripts

Follow the appropriate set of instructions below (depending on your operating system) to configure Netscape to view RasMol lectures. In carrying out these instructions, you are telling Netscape that whenever it encounters a file that ends with the suffix ".rasmol" it should use the Rasmol application to view this file.

The instructions below work with Netscape. On Macs, the lectures can also be viewed using Internet Explorer. The set-up procedure is essentially identical to that described below for Mac Netscape Navigator. Unfortunately, there is no simple way to set up Rasmol as a helper application in Windows Internet Explorer, so this operating system/browser combination is not recommended.

For Mac Netscape Navigator:

For Windows Netscape Navigator:

Using RasMol to View Molecules

As you go through these tutorials, you will look at a number of views of this molecule designed to highlight certain features. Feel free to experiment with the various menu options at any time.

As described in the table below, you can also use the mouse to translate, rotate, and zoom in and out on the molecule.




To rotate about the x-axis:

Use the right scroll bar.


To rotate about the y-axis:

Use the bottom scroll bar.


To rotate about the z-axis:

While simultaneously holding down the command and shift keys, click and drag the mouse in the direction of the desired rotation.

Hold down shift key, click and drag the right mouse in the direction of the desired rotation.

To translate:

While holding down the option key, click and drag the mouse in the direction of the desired translation.

Click and drag right mouse buttion in the direction of the desired rotation.

To zoom in and out:

While holding down the shift key, click and drag the mouse up (to zoom out) or down (to zoom in).


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