UCLA Virtual Office Hours Contributers

Primary Development

Craig A. Merlic ** merlic@chem.ucla.edu
Professor Merlic provided the initial ideas and momentum to begin the VOH project. He is the project director, and through his efforts the project has received support from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, the UCLA Office of Instructional Development, Apple Computer and the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation. In addition to his advocacy of the project, Professor Merlic has provided input and direction to the development of the structure, function and appearance of the project's files and scripts.
Matthew Walker ** mjw@chem.ucla.edu
Original development of the project from an idea to a working prototype was performed by Mr. Walker in April of 1995. He has subsequently authored the CGI scripts, maintenance scripts and a majority of the HTML documents that make up the current VOH project.

Institutional Support

The VOH Project has received support from several sources that have provided us with computer resources and capital. These include:

UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Provided time and space on a Sun SparcStation 10 and access to the net.
UCLA Office of Instructional Development
Provided funding for the project and a Hewlett Packard 4C flatbed scanner.
Apple Computer
Generously provided two Macintosh 6100/66's and a 7250 Internet Server for use for the project.
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation
Provided a grant to develop new capabilities and to create a VOH site at Santa Monica College.

Please address bug reports and technical questions to voh@chem.ucla.edu.

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voh@chem.ucla.edu // Last revision: August 1997